Tag Archive | mother

Uh…I’m Sorry…What Was That Again?

So now that it is has been about 3 weeks since I had Baby J, I feel like I am starting to get the hang of things again, at least somewhat close to how I managed things before. I’ve been learning how to use the three hours  that Dukey is away at school (he only has half days, yeah, I know that sucks) to get things done such as laundry, playing with my toddler for at least an hour of that time, and preparing lunch for when Dukey gets back home. There are times when I can barely have 5 minutes to take a shower but, hey 2 minutes is better than none, right?

The only problem with this is that my mind is beginning to feel like it is on auto-pilot. I’m constantly feeding somebody (whether on a plate or with my boobs), cleaning somebody, or cleaning after somebody. By the time the two oldest kids are asleep and I only have to feed and change Baby J, I am exhausted and can barely think.

 I’m finding myself making the stupidest mistakes. I know it has something to do with REM sleep (you know, like when a child doesn’t get their nap they become overtired and have a hard time falling asleep). I mean, I had my share of crazy “oops” moments before Baby J (you know what I’m talking about…oh crap, I left the remote in the ‘frig) but now it’s like everything.

The other day I caught myself trying to put my 1 year old’s socks on! It took me a good two minutes to understand why I couldn’t fit them on my feet! Then, I emailed Dukey’s school bus supervisor to ask for a change in the bus stop since there was a stop that was closer to our house where they dropped off other kids that would work for us too and when I emailed HIM, I wrote “Hello Mrs. (fill in the blank)”. OOPS! I didn’t realize it until he sent an email back and answered my question. Thankfully, he didn’t mention it but I made sure to send an email back with the correct salutation.

I know that as Baby J gets older, things will get easier but for now, I hope people can look past my retardiness (not sure if that is a word but you get the point!).

I think maybe making and sticking to a schedule may help….another thing on my to-do list…